Greening SUPER BALL SRL production line
Through innovative textile products, automation and by improving circular economy processes
SUPER BALL SRL has started on 1st of May 2021, the implementation of the project "Greening SUPER BALL SRL production line through innovative textile products, automation and by improving circular economy processes".
Thanks to the opportunity given to us by EEA Grants, we have been able to implement an integrated investment focused on the purchase and installation of 8 top line machineries generating green production line processes, increasing automation and digitalization rate of the production process. Our new green production capacities allow us to increase our turnover with 36% and our net operational profitability with 31% by the end of 2023 in comparison to the baseline year 2019. Based on our new recycling capacities we estimate that by the end of 2023 the quantity of recycled waste from production operations will increase with 50%. Our current green production capacities support us in achieving the following KPI’s:
reduction of CO2 emissions with 205,33 tonnes by the end of 2023
15% reduction of the energy consumption considering the production level form baseline year 2019
diminish the consumption of solid fuel with 10%
New tech machines and production lines reduces the consumption of polyethylene film by 1 kg per mattress unit.
At this moment we can proudly say that thanks to our partners, IDN Norway, we were able to automate, digitalize, and implement greening measures for our production flows.
Purchase and installation of Matresses production line
A robotic production line that has nominal production capacity of 1000 mattresses/ 8 productive hours. The gluing technology is ecological, it doesn’t produce toxic fumes, being environmentally friendly.
Purchase and installation of new tech quilting machine multineedle + panel cutter + edgetrimming machines
A new technology quilting machine is completed with dimensional panel cutter, edge trimming system and panel stacker. This technology increases the product quality due to consistent and more precise item cutting.
Waste Recycling line
A line that is able to recover 80% of the production generated waste during the operational processes. This is a very important step that takes us closer to our main goal: having an operational facility with integrated circular economy procedures.
Purchase and installation of new tech quilting machine singleneedle + panel cutter + edgetrimming machines
It’s a new technology quilting machine that facilitate manufacturing custom design quilted items at a higher quality aiming this way to medium to high end product markets.
Purchase and installation of automated machines for producing continues spring neets - 120 spring nets/8 hours/piece
A high tech machine that transforms the wire into custom mattress cores and gives us more cost control of the process starting from raw materials.
Purchase and installation of automated machine for packing pillows/ quilts
Automated packing machines for pillows and quilts that updates our products for the latest package requirements for online and offline shops. More efficient packaging gives us a higher production capacity, but also improves a lot with shipping costs.
Purchase and installation of automated machine for producing pillows directly from raw materials without human intervention
State-of-art automated pillow production line which manufacture the pillows with very little or no human resources in the cutting, sewing, filling, packing processes.
Project results
Our project was successfully implemented by 31 March 2023. All project activities have been successfully realized.
Newly procured machineries and production lines are under the ownership of SUPER BALL SRL and have been properly insured against losses (machineries were insured). Resources for maintenance have been allocated.
Turnover increase – In 2021 compared to 2019, our company registered a turnover increase of 36%. At the end of 2023, or company will reach a turnover increase more then 38% in comparison to 2019.
Net operational profit – In 2021 compared to 2019 we registered a decrease of our profitability rate, however based on our preliminary data in 2022 and forecasting per 2023, considering the new green production capacities we will reach a net profitability increase of 31,6% compared to baseline year 2019.
Based on our current green production capacities we estimate a reduction of 205,33 tonnes Of CO2 at the end of 2023
Based on our new recycling capacities we estimate that by the end of 2023 the quantity of recycled waste from production operations will increase with 50%.
Based on our current green production capacities we estimate a reduction of 15% for energy consumption considering the production level form baseline year 2019
Based on the new capacities we estimate we will diminish the consumption of solid fuel with 10%
New tech machines and production lines reduces the consumption of polyethylene film by 1 kg per mattress unit
8 top line machineries were procured and implemented generating green production line processes, for increasing automation and digitalization rate of the production process.
See the results
This project is extremely important for us and represents a big step forward in our development, because now we have the chance to improve the competitiveness of SUPER BALL SRL on international market, become one of the most important producers in the textile industry in Eastern Europe and protect the environment at the same time.